Tuesday 17 January 2012

Writing Part 1: First thoughts and ideas...

My Writing Part 1 course started this week, and one of the first assignments links to the Ministry of Education Document called A Guide to Effective Instruction in Writing, Kindergarten to Grade 3. We had to read section 1.9, and I loved how the document had a list of sample anchor charts you can create with your students. These are similar to the reading mini-lessons that would jump-start a Daily 5 program. I don't think it's ever too late to add something into your writing program, but these would be especially great mini-lessons to begin the year with!

Here are the sample anchor charts:

What Do Good Writers Do?
• Like to write
• Write about things they know about or are interested in
• Draw and “talk out” their story (rehearsal)
• Decide whom they are writing for and what their writing will look like
• Share their writing with a partner, a conference group, or the teacher
• Read their first draft and ask, “Does it look right? Does it sound right? Does it make sense?”

What Do Good Editors Do?
• Use capital letters
• Check their punctuation
• Check their spelling
• Use complete sentences
• Write legibly
• Use interesting words
• Let somebody else read their story

What Do Good Spellers Do?
• Read a lot
• Write a lot
• Look for patterns
• Know many high-frequency words
• Know if a word looks right
• Listen for sounds they hear
• Know where to look to find a hard word (e.g., word wall, dictionaries)
• Take a risk

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