Wednesday 18 January 2012

3 news ideas for my writing program!

Here are three things that I'm looking forward to adding into my writing program:

1. Take photos of things students have created or built (or even of toys they might be playing with) and create a story about the picture.

2. Create (and add to) an anchor chart with very specific ideas for writing, such as barbies, sharks, Legos, etc. We have a writing ideas chart, but the topics are more general, and I think my students would enjoy this more.

3. Get students to use "yummy" words. An ELL teacher referenced the "Picture Word Inductive Model", which gets students to brainstorm words to describe a picture, and then use the words to write a sentence. This  made me think about how we could do something like this to build everyone's vocabulary. Perhaps each week or two we could look at some type of picture, and students could generate words about the picture. When students use one of the words from the "picture poster" then they could share their writing success with everyone!

For more information about the Picture Word Inductive Model, check out:

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